buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Chinese Fortune Telling | 算命 style.css header class hero-section h1 算命 Fortune Telling p Discover your destiny through ancient Chinese wisdom main section class fortune-container div class birth-input h2 Enter Your Birth Details div class input-group label Birth Year for birthYear select id birthYear name birthYear label Birth Month for birthMonth select id birthMonth name birthMonth label Birth Day for birthDay select id birthDay name birthDay label Birth Hour for birthHour select id birthHour name birthHour div class result-container h2 Your Fortune Reading div id fortuneResult class fortune-card p Enter your birth details to receive your reading button Calculate Fortune id calculateBtn class calculate-button section class explanation h2 Understanding Chinese Astrology div class zodiac-grid div class zodiac-card img src  alt Zodiac Symbol h3 生肖 Chinese Zodiac p Discover your zodiac animal and its meaning footer div class footer-content p Traditional Chinese Fortune Telling nav class footer-nav a Home href # a About href #about a Contact href #contact script.js